In order to study the characters of seismic response of masonry pagoda under the interaction of soil andIn order to study the characters of seismic response of masonry pagoda under the interaction of soil andstructure, to refer to seismic reinforcement to masonry pagoda, artifical boundary conditions ware set up, and thecalculation model which included interaction system of soil and structure of Xuanzhuang Pagoda in Xingjiao Temple inXi' an, Shaanxi Province was established. Under three dimension earthquake waves, the seismic response analysiswas done by time history analysis method. The follows were indicated by calculation results that the maximum value ofhorizontal stress, the vertical stress and the axial stress of the tower were located in the mid of the structure. And thestory drift in the mid and top of the structure was larger than the other and the maximum value was in the mid.Therefore, the mid story and top story were critical seismic sections of masonry pagoda.structure, to refer to seismic reinforcement to masonry pagoda, artifical boundary conditions ware set up, and the calculation model which included interaction system of soil and structure of Xuanzhuang Pagoda in Xingjiao Temple in Xi' an, Shaanxi Province was established. Under three dimension earthquake waves, the seismic response analysis was done by time history analysis method. The follows were indicated by calculation results that the maximum value of horizontal stress, the vertical stress and the axial stress of the tower were located in the mid of the structure. And the story drift in the mid and top of the structure was larger than the other and the maximum value was in the mid. Therefore, the mid story and top story were critical seismic sections of masonry pagoda.