在GB 500172003《钢结构设计规范》中,关于空间多平面圆钢管相贯节点承载力计算,只能考虑轴力,不考虑腹杆弯矩对节点承载力的影响。在《空心管结构连接设计指南》中单平面圆钢管相贯节点在复合受力状态下的承载力计算公式,主要是参照Eurocode 3。通过对两种规范关于圆钢管相贯焊节点计算公式归纳和对比可知,Eurocode 3相贯节点承载力公式相对于目前GB 500172003计算公式来说是偏安全的。基于此,对武汉站圆钢管相贯节点依照Eurocode 3拆分为若干单平面节点,再分别对单平面节点进行校核和演算。利用有限元软件ANSYS建立钢管相贯节点实体模型,进行非线性分析。模拟计算结果表明,该相贯节点设计满足要求。
圆钢管 /
空间相贯节点 /
弯矩 /
In Code for Design of Steel Structure(GB 500172003),only the influence of axial force can be considered as the calculation of bearing capacity of tubular multi-planar joint,and that of web member's bending moment on the bearing capacity can not be considered.In Hollow Tube Structure Connecting,the formula is mainly refers to Eurocode 3,which is used to calculate capacity of single-planar tubular joint under combined forces.Therefore,it can be used as reference for design.Compared with the formula of GB 500172003,calculating the bearing capacity of tubular joint by the formula in Eurocode 3 is safe.According to Eurocode 3,the tubular joint is divided into several single-planar joints,and then checking calculation is proceeded for everyone.Using ANSYS software to make a solid finite element model for the tubular joint and the nonlinearity is analyzed.Simulation results indicate that the design of tubular joint meets the requirements.