摘要: 不锈钢在建筑结构中的应用逐渐增多,其中包括不锈钢屋盖结构、不锈钢桥梁、不锈钢墙面等结构中的应用。目前国内对不锈钢力学性能的研究相对较少,其中焊接残余应力是影响不锈钢构件焊接影响的一个重要因素,焊接残余应力的分布规律成为迫切需要研究的内容之一。采用分割条带法对奥氏体不锈钢316(06Cr17Ni12Mo2)包括6种截面的焊接工字型钢的纵向残余应力进行测量,通过对测量数据的分析,得到其残余应力的大小和分布特点,为进一步总结焊接不锈钢构件残余应力的分布和残余应力对不锈钢构件的承载力的影响提供了基础。Abstract: The applications of stainless steel in construction increase gradually,including the stainless steel roof structure,the stainless steel bridge,the stainless steel wall etc.Nowadays there are few researches on the mechanical property of stainless steel,of which the residual stress from welding is an important aspect of the welding effect on stainless steel components,while the distribution law of residual stress for stainless steel becomes an urgent subject. In this paper an experimental study on the residual stress of the Austenitic stainless steel 316(06Cr17Ni12Mo2) is conducted including 6 types of sections.Through the analysis of the test results,the value and the distribution law of the residual stress are given,serving a base for further study on the effect of the residual stress on stainless steel components.
Key words:
- stainless steel /
- I-section /
- residual stress /
- experimental study /
- sectioning method
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