摘要: 统一硬化模型(UH模型)能够描述超固结土的硬化、软化、剪胀和剪缩等应力-应变特性以及应力历史对土的影响。基于增量弹-塑性模型的基本假设,根据一元二次方程的解法,推导出塑性因子的表达式,由变换应力公式推得变换应力增量与真实应力增量的关系,进而得到UH模型在FLAC3D中的计算格式。基于FLAC3D软件提供的二次开发平台UDM,利用Visual C++编译得到动态链接库文件(.DLL),实现了自定义UH本构模型的开发。通过在不同应力路径下数值解与理论解的对比,验证了UH模型的FLAC3D计算格式的正确性。通过与FLAC3D内置的修正剑桥模型对比,清晰地反映出UH模型在反映土体剪胀、软化、加卸载等方面的优越性。最后,对FLAC3D中非关联流动法则模型的优点进行了讨论。Abstract: The over-consolidated unified hardening model (UH model) proposed by Yao et al can describe many characteristics of over-consolidated clays well,including stress-strain relationships,stress dilatancy,strain hardening and softening,and stress history dependency. Based on the assumption of elastic-plastic model and solution of a quadratic equation,the computational scheme of UH model in FLAC3D was derived. According to the secondary developing platform,the UH model was developed in FLAC3D with Visual C + + environment. Using that program,numerical simulations of triaxial compression,triaxial extension and plane strain tests were performed,which showed a good agreement with the analytic solution. Compared with the modified Cam-clay model,UH model had several advantages in stress dilatancy,strain softening,loading and unloading features. Finally,the advantage of using constructive models with nonassociated flow rule in FLAC3D was discussed.
Key words:
- UH model /
- FLAC3D /
- secondary development /
- over-consolidated soil /
- nonassociation
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