摘要: 栏杆结构是房屋、桥梁等结构的重要附属构件,虽然并不影响主体结构的受力性能,但却对保障使用者的生命财产安全具有非常重要的作用。目前,对于栏杆结构受力性能和安全性的研究还较少,各国对于栏杆结构的设计指标和设计荷载也并不统一,我国规范中主要考虑均布荷载作用下的承载力,对于集中荷载和变形限值均未有规定。归纳比较了国内外相关规范中对栏杆结构的基本规定,基于理论分析和实际需求,提出栏杆结构的相对变形控制限值,为高度的1/100;对不同设计参数的栏杆结构进行有限元计算,分析栏杆结构在均布荷载和集中荷载作用下的变形性能和安全性。基于上述研究,提出较为完整的栏杆结构设计方法。Abstract: Railing system as the important accessory of buildings and bridges is very important for ensuring the safety of lives and properties of the public user though it may not influence the performance of main structure.The existing research on the structural performance of railing systems and the safety design of railing systems is lacked, and the design criteria and the design loads in various codes in the world are different.In Chinese codes, the bearing capacity of railing under uniform load is evaluated but there is no rule on concentrated load and deformation limit.In this paper, the load requirements for railing structure in foreign and domestic codes were compared and investigated firstly.Based on the theoretical analysis and the practical requirements, a deformation limit of 1/100 height for railing systems was proposed.Then, a number of railing structures with the various design parameters were analyzed with finite element method, their deformation and safety were investigated under the concentrated load and uniform load separately.Based on the above, a complete design approach for the railing structure, in which the strength and the deformation under the various load patterns were considered, was also proposed.
Key words:
- railing structure /
- load proportion factor /
- deformation limit value /
- design method
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