摘要: 研究锈蚀钢筋与混凝土的环向粘结性能,对预测钢筋混凝土内裂时刻具有重要意义。考虑混凝土强度与钢筋类型两种影响因素进行钢筋混凝土扭转试件设计,利用恒电流通电法对试件进行加速锈蚀,采用扭矩扳手加载,并用倾角仪记录钢筋与混凝土之间的相对转角。试验结果表明:光圆钢筋试块的极限抗扭承载力和抗扭刚度均小于变形钢筋;对于变形钢筋,较小的钢筋锈蚀量对于试件的环向粘结剪应力影响很小,当锈蚀率达到一定程度时环向粘结剪应力开始下降。对于光圆钢筋,由于钢筋锈蚀引起的附加机械咬合力、环向粘结应力随着锈蚀率增加而增加,钢筋锈蚀量达到一定程度后,环向粘结应力开始下降,但下降的速率不大。Abstract: The hoop bond performance between corroded rebar and concrete was explored in this paper.The research is significant to the prediction of time when the internal cracking due to corrosion happened.Concrete strength and type of rebar was taken into account at the design of torsion specimen.In the test, constant current was used to accelerate corrosion course.Torque wrench was the loading tool.The relative angle between concrete and rebar was recorded by use of clinometer.The results indicate that the ultimate torsional bearing capacity and torsional rigidity of plain round bar are less than deformed rebar.The ring bonding shear strength is steady when the corrosion level is small for the deformed rebar.When the corrosion level reaches a certain extent, the ring bonding shear strength begins to decrease.Because of additional mechanical bite force, the hoop bonding shear strength is increased with corrosion level.When the corrosion level reaches a certain extent, the hoop bonding shear strength decreases in a smaller rate.
Key words:
- hoop bond /
- corrosion of rebar /
- reinforced concrete
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