摘要: 巨型混合框架-核心筒结构是由巨型型钢混凝土框架、混凝土核心筒与伸臂桁架组成的一种具有多道抗震防线的超高层结构体系。为了有效地提高巨型混合框架-核心筒结构的抗侧刚度和内外筒之间的协同工作性能,可采取以下措施:增加巨型梁的刚度;增加伸臂桁架的刚度;增设巨型支撑。分析结果表明:设置跨越两个楼层的巨型梁或伸臂,或增设巨型支撑,都可以提高结构抗侧刚度和缓解刚度突变,其中,增设巨型支撑的效果最明显。竖向荷载作用下,布置双层巨型梁或设置巨型支撑均可提高次结构到主结构的内力传递效率;布置双层伸臂可减小核心筒的轴力,提高核心筒的抗侧储备。水平地震作用下,巨型支撑直接提高外框架刚度,使框架底部剪力和弯矩都明显增大,框架容易满足第二道防线的要求。
- 巨型混合框架-核心筒结构 /
- 型钢混凝土 /
- 巨型梁 /
- 伸臂 /
- 巨型支撑
Abstract: Mega hybrid frame-corewall structure is a new type of structural system for super high-rise buildings,which consists of mega SRC frame,RC corewall,and outrigger trusses.The lateral stiffness and cooperative working performance of structure can be effectively improved by using methods as follows: increasing the stiffness of mega beams and outriggers,setting mega braces on the mega frame.The analysis results indicate that using these methods can improve the lateral stiffness and reduce the stiffness irregularity.The transmission efficiency of internal forces between the substructure and the main structure under vertical load can be improved by setting mega braces as well as increasing the stiffness of mega beams.The axial force of core wall can be reduced by increasing the stiffness of outrigger under vertical load,therefore,the earthquake-resistant capacity of core wall can be improved.The bottom shear force and moment of the mega frame under earthquake can be increased significantly by setting mega braces.-
Key words:
- mega hybrid frame-corewall structure /
- steel reinforced concrete /
- mega beam /
- outrigger /
- mega brace
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