摘要: 附着升降脚手架涉及脚手架、钢结构、机械、电气和自动控制等技术领域,是一项具有综合性和复合性的施工机具和专项技术。附着升降脚手架的设计计算包括主要承重结构和升降设备、吊具、索具分别在使用、升降和坠落三种工况条件下的设计计算。作为推荐,给出主要承重结构按概率理论为基础的极限状态设计方法的基本表达式,明确各关键系数的取值,列表给出两种荷载附加计算系数的取值方法。还给出各主要构件的强度、刚度、稳定、抗倾覆的验算方法,并指出架体构架(即脚手架架板部分)与其他主要承重结构计算的不同特点。对升降结构中的升降设备、吊具、索具的设计,建议按容许应力设计法进行计算。Abstract: Design and calculation methods of integral-lift scaffolds were comprehensively discussed in the paper.Design and calculation of integral-lift scaffolds included the main structures and the lifting equipments under the three cases such as working,lifting and falling.In the paper,some key factors such as partial safety factors and additional load factors in the basic limit state designing expressions based on probability theory were listed for recommendation.The strength,rigidity and stability checking computation methods were also given for the main structures of the integral-lift scaffolds,of which the differences between scaffold frame structures and other main structures were also discussed.The allowable stress method was also suggested for design and calculation of lifting equipments,suspend rod and sling.
Key words:
- integral-lifting scaffolds /
- tall structures /
- construction /
- design /
- calculation
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