摘要: 采用三维空间模型的静力弹塑性分析方法、弯剪型层模型的非线性时程分析方法相结合的静动力分析法,对江苏宿迁某19层剪力墙结构进行了黏滞阻尼消能减震分析。首先对该结构进行了三维空间静力弹塑性分析,得到了该结构的层间恢复力曲线;在此基础上,建立了该结构的弯剪型层模型,进行了非线性时程分析,并研究了非线性黏滞流体阻尼器对高层剪力墙结构地震响应的振动控制。结果表明:采用静动力分析法可以评估剪力墙结构的弹塑性抗震性能,为工程结构设计提供参考,为类似结构提供借鉴。Abstract: A 19-story shear-wall structure in Suqian, Jiangsu Province is analyzed abiding by static-dynamic analytical method, which is combined with nonlinear static analysis of 3d model and nonlinear time history analysis based on flexure shear storey model. Firstly, nonlinear static analysis method is applied to 3d model of the structure and the storey restoring force curves are obtained. Secondly, on the basis of the flexure shear storey model, the shearwall structure is calculated by the nonlinear time history method. Finally, the vibration-absorptive analysis of the structure with nonlinear viscous fluid damper under earthquake is studied. The results show that static-dynamic analytical method based on flexure shear storey model can be applied to evaluate the earthquake-resistant performance of the structure and provide a reference for engineering design and similar projects.
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