摘要: 为进一步探讨优化轻钢龙骨复合墙体节能设计的有效途径,扩大其在我国严寒地区应用,采用热电偶测温方法进行腹板开孔、带外保温层腹板开孔两个方案的轻钢龙骨复合墙体传热性能的试验研究,重点考察墙体的传热系数和测点温度。试验结果表明:腹板开孔节能设计方法可以降低轻钢龙骨墙体的热损失,削弱龙骨所在部位的热桥效应,显著提高墙体的保温性能。两种试验方案的墙体传热系数分别为0.315,0.250W/(m2.K),可以满足我国严寒地区居住建筑围护结构节能50%的传热系数限值要求。选用JG/T1822005《低层轻型钢结构装配式住宅技术要求》推荐的轻钢龙骨规格,组成标准轻钢龙骨复合墙体,采用ANSYS有限元模拟对比分析4类墙体的平均传热系数、温度场,进行墙体的经济性比较,提出符合我国严寒地区(如哈尔滨市)建筑节能标准的轻钢龙骨复合外墙节能设计方案。Abstract: Two thermal behavior experiments of light gauge steel-framed composite walls with slotted studs and withexternal thermal insulation layers were carried in the lab of combined energy consumption test board for components of building envelope in school of municipal and environmental engineering at HIT. The method of thermocouple temperature measurement was used. The heat transfer coefficients and temperature of the measure points of composite wall were deeply investigated. Two conclusions were drawn from the test. According the test,the web slotted studs can reduce heat loss of the light gauge steel-framed composite walls,thus weakening the thermal bridge effect of the location in stud part,then significantly improve the thermal insulation properties of the composite walls; the composite wall heat transfer coefficients of the two test schemes are 0.315 W/ (m2K) and 0.250 W/ (m2K),which can meet the residential building envelope heat transfer coefficient limit value of cold areas well. Using the standard studs which recommended by Light Gauge Steel Framing Assembly Housing Specification(JG /T 1822005),standard steel-framed walls were made up and selected as the research object. ANSYS finite element model is used to analyse the wall heat transfer properties. To obtain the goal as the light gauge steel-framed composite wall to meet the Harbin area construction outer wall energy conservation standard,the comprehensive inspection and contrast were analyzed of mean heat conductivity of four kinds of walls,the walls economic comparison was carried on,too. The design scheme of the light gauge steel-framed composite walls was proposed to meet the construction energy conservation standard in cold areas in China.
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