纠倾 /
扰动碎石 /
锚杆静压桩 /
压密注浆 /
An overall housing tilt to the northeast occurred on a 11-story reinforced concrete building,due to uneven settlement of its foundation,and the maximum cumulative settlement amount of 111. 33 mm occurred at the northeast point of the building,maximum tilt amount was 6 ,which could not meet the requirements of the code,so a tilt- correction was needed. In conjunction with geologic conditions of the housing and the situation of superstructure,a certain number of static bolt-pressing piles were set on the north side to stabilize the housing settlement; then the disturbing holes were arranged on south side of the building to disturb the gravel layer at the bottom of the raft foundation,so that housing south was forced to lower,so as to achieve the purpose of correcting tilt,after returning to the design value of the building,the pressure grouting was used to reinforce the foundation. In this paper,analysis of the causes of the housing tilt,tilt correction program selection and correct operation,as well as its design and construction were described in detail.