摘要: 高压电气设备的结构形式特殊,具有重量大、阻尼比小、重心高、设备中瓷件变形能力差等特点,这些特点使得高压电力设施的抗震性能较差,成为电力系统中的抗震薄弱环节。2008年5月12日汶川大地震造成震区多座高压电抗器发生破坏,导致停电,给震区的灾后重建带来困难。针对高压电抗器的特点,在基础部位设置隔震层,对电抗器进行成组隔震设计,隔震层由叠层橡胶隔震支座组成。结合实际工程给出高压电抗器隔震计算的建模原则、计算方法与分析步骤。计算结果表明,采用隔震技术可以显著降低高压电抗器的地震反应,是提高电气设备抗震能力的有效而实用的途径。Abstract: As the component of electric power system, High??voltage electrical equipments have some traits such as heavy weight, small damp ratio and poor distortion of accessorial parts, which lead to weak aseismatic ability. High??voltage reactors were destroyed badly in 5??12 Wenchuan earthquake, which caused blackout in earthquake reg ion and brought so many difficulties for rebuilding. It is studied the application of isolation technology in high??voltage reactors in a real substation. The isolation layer made of laminated rubber bearing is set under reactors layer. A new type model of simulating high??voltage electrical equipments has been built up successfully to solve the problem of difficult modeling . It is also presented calculation method and analytic steps in a real isolated electric project and compared to the results of non??isolated one. The results show that isolation technology can decrease the seismic reaction of reactors obviously and it's the effective way to enhance aseismatic ability of high??voltage electrical equipments.
Key words:
- high??voltage reactor /
- group base isolation /
- time history analysis /
- response spectrum
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