摘要: 通过10根CFRP加固木柱的试验,重点研究了CFRP形式、层数及埋设AFRP筋对木柱受力性能的影响。研究结果表明,粘贴水平CFRP布加固木柱的受压承载力提高7.6%~26.1%,延性性能也得到明显改善。侧面埋设AFRP筋加固木柱的受压承载力提高17.7%~41.5%,再采用水平CFRP布包裹后延性性能得到明显改善。提出了CFRP约束木柱的强度模型,并线性回归了约束有效性系数k1。CFRP加固木柱可显著提高木柱的受压承载力和延性,可应用于木结构维修加固的工程实践。Abstract: Ten timber columns strengthened with CFRP strips and AFRP bars were tested and effective factors such as shape and layer of CFRP strips,layout of AFRP rods were studied. The ultimate load-bearing capacities of timber columns with CFRP strips are increased by about 7.6%~26.1% over the control specimen,and the ductility performance also has a significant betterment. The ultimate load-bearing capacities of timber columns with AFRP rods have 17.7%~41.5% increases over the control specimen,and after wrapped with CFRP strips,the ductility has an obvious improvement. Based on the experimental research,the strength mode of timber columns strengthened with CFRP strip was proposed,and the effective confined coefficient k1 was linearly regressed. Strengthened timber column with CFRP is a valid method,and it can be used for strengthening of timber structures.
Key words:
- CFRP /
- timber column /
- strengthen /
- performance /
- load-bearing capacity /
- ductility
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