为综合利用工业废渣, 以高炉矿渣为粗细集料配制混凝土, 于110 e 烘干24 h 后, 在极限耐热温度分别为300、500、700 e 下恒温3 h, 研究砂率、粗集料最大粒径、水灰比和水泥用量对矿渣集料混凝土耐热性的影响。结果表明: 混凝土在300 e 的相对耐压强度大于100%; 500 e 的相对耐压强度为57%~ 86%; 700 e的相对耐压强度为22%~ 58%。增大砂率、减小粗集料最大粒径、降低水灰比、减少水泥用量, 有利于提高混凝土的耐热性; 用矿渣集料完全能配制500 e 耐热混凝土。
In order to comprehensively utilize the industrial waste residue, a concrete was made of a blas-t furnace slag taken as coarse and fine aggregate. After 24 h oven drying at 110 e, the concrete was treated for 3 h under constant temperatures of 300, 500 and 700 e respectively. The study was conducted to measure the impacts of sand percentage (SP), maximum particle size of coarse aggregate, water-cement ratio and cement quantity, on the thermo-stability of slagbased aggregate concrete. The result indicates: at 300 e the relative compression strength(RCS) is above 100%, at 500 e, the RCS is between 57%~ 86%, at 700 e, the RCS is between 22% ~ 58%. More SP value, smaller max imum particle size of coarse aggregate, lower water-cement ratio and the less cement quantity are beneficial to enhance the thermostability of the concrete; with slag-based aggregate, a concrete can be made with thermo resistance at 500 e.