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Harbin Yinhe Hotel is a 22-story high rise building, its annex is a 6-story structure with a 1-story basement, and its tower has a 3-story basement. On the right of the annex is a club of 4-story frame structure. The tower is a RC frameshear wall structure, and the annex is a RC frame structure. In order to make the 6-story annex surrounded by the high rise building and the club becoming a 22-story structure, the original pile foundation under the column is reinforced by casting new concrete and placing reinforcements around the column to forming a big pile. The original independent foundation under the column is replaced by the new pile foundation, and the original frame columns are strengthened. For the column grids of annex and new structure are different, the transfer beam structure is set up on the top of 7th floor. The solution for some key problems in design of the reconstruction project is introduced, which can be served as reference for similar projects.