摘要: 讨论生态文明时代给生土建筑带来的历史机遇与挑战,叙述生土建筑的国内外研究现状和其震害特征,提出生土建筑在我国的发展趋势和要求:以新农村建设为契机,秉承传统生土结构的精髓并借鉴国外先进的研究成果,积极探索符合当代人生活模式的生土建筑形式以及满足抗震要求的生土结构形式。Abstract: The chance and challenge of earth building development in current ecology civilization time are discussed and research state and earthquake damage characteristics of earth buildings are indicated in this paper. The trend and requirements for developing earth building in China are proposed that for the opportunity of building new rural areas in China it is important to make full use of traditional experience and advanced research results from abroad, so as to explore and design earth buildings to meet the human life forms and the requirements for seismic resistance.
Key words:
- earth building /
- structure system /
- research state /
- earthquake damage characteristic
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