摘要: 为研究水泥土长短桩复合地基在深厚软土的加固效果和承载特性,对水泥土长短桩复合地基进行载荷试验,实测出长桩、短桩和桩间土顶面应力,并对采用水泥土长短桩方法对深厚软土进行处理时复合地基桩土应力比及其变化规律进行探讨。试验表明,水泥土长短桩复合地基的桩土应力比均表现为先增大,后减小,再趋于稳定的趋势,并在临界荷载pc前后,主次桩顺序发生变化。Abstract: To study reinforcement effect and bearing characteristics of long-short cemen-t soil piles composite foundation in deep soft soils, the loading test in situ on the bearing characteristics of long-short cemen-t soil piles composite ground in deep soft soils is carried out. The stresses of long piles, short piles and soil have been measured; and pile-soil stress ratio of composite ground with cemen-t soil long-short piles and its variation with the load have been studied in deep soils. According to pile-soil stress ratio, it has been found that stress ratio increases firstly and then decreases and finally tends to stability. It has also been revealed that the sequence of primary piles and secondary pile have been changed before and after critical load.
Key words:
- cement-soil pile /
- long-short piles /
- composite foundation /
- bearing characteristics /
- loading test
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