摘要: 某烟囱使用年代久远,老化损坏严重,其目前的使用状况不仅难以满足正常使用和耐久性方面的要求,并且可能对结构安全造成威胁。根据对烟囱使用状况和计算分析的结果,分析烟囱损伤和缺陷的原因,根据烟囱可靠性的影响因素,进行烟囱可靠度的评定。针对该烟囱存在的问题,研究制定出可行的维修加固方案,最后利用有限元软件ANSYS对加固后的烟囱进行瞬态热力学分析,并对砌体烟囱的可靠性作出合理的评价。Abstract: Currently the condition of a chimney can' t satisfies the normal usage and request of durability but also possiblythreatens structure' s safety. It is studied the reliability and reinforcementtechnique for it. In light of usage condition and theresult of calculation and analysis, the reason for chimney impairment and defect are analyzed. It is also made an evaluationof the chimney' s reliability.Aiming at the problem of the chimney, it is established the feasible maintenance andreinforcement scheme. Finally, it is carried out a thermodynamical analysis of the effect of the reinforcement by ANSYS.The evaluation of chimney reliability is made.
Key words:
- chimney /
- reliability /
- numerical analysis /
- reinforcement
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