摘要: 在海洋与近海工程中,海洋建筑物地基受到水平荷载、竖向荷载和弯矩荷载的共同作用,地基土体非均质成层分布。因而,复合加载模式下层状地基的极限承载力与破坏机理研究是海洋工程设计的关键问题。针对竖向荷载(V)和弯矩荷载(M)共同作用下双层饱和黏土地基的极限承载力与破坏机理进行有限元分析。土体采用理想弹塑性模型,屈服准则为Mohr-Coulomb准则;基础与地基间假定切向完全黏结、竖向可分离。通过有限元计算,得到双层地基在V-M荷载空间的破坏(极限)荷载包络线,归纳得出地基的破坏模式。计算结果表明,双层地基的破坏包络线随着上层土体的厚度与基础宽度比值、上下土层的抗剪强度指标比值的增大而不断扩大,最终达到一个稳定值;在V-M复合加载条件下,地基可能发生深层整体剪切破坏或浅层局部剪切破坏。Abstract: Two -dimensional finite element analysis of strip surface foundations resting on undrained two -layered subsoilunder the effect of combined vertical(V)and moment(M)loading has been applied to investigate the ultimate bearingcapacity and failure mechanism of the subsoil. In this analysis, the material response of the soil is represented with elasticperfectly plastic constitutive law yielding according to Mohr -Coulomb failure criterion. The surface foundation is assumed tohave no uplift capacity, and the footing may detach from subsoil under a V -M load combination, which is significantlydifferent from the fully attached footing. The ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation on layered subsoil is presented interms of the failure envelope in vertical and moment loading space. The effects of the thickness of upper soil, the width offooting and the shear strength of soilson the shape of the failure envelope are examined in details. It is found that the shapeof failure envelope ismainly depended onthe thickness of upper soil and the undrained shear strength ratio of two layers, andthe failure mechanism has two forms according to the combination of V -M loads.
Key words:
- finite element analysis /
- foundation /
- ultimate bearing capacity /
- failure envelope
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