摘要: 提出已有钢筋混凝土框架结构抗震可靠度分析的一种实用方法,取最小的楼层可靠度作为结构的可靠度;利用构件的荷载/抗力比,并考虑其他修正系数的办法构造权函数,将各构件的可靠度组合成楼层的可靠度;根据震害经验,以柱的抗剪能力建立钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震功能函数;对混凝土碳化和结构荷载的影响因素进行分析。并对一个工程实例进行分析,分别计算出原结构及采用三种不同方法加固方案后的结构抗震可靠度。Abstract: A practical method for analyzing the reliability of existing structural systems is put forward. The minimum value of the storey reliability is suggested to be the structural reliability. The storey reliability is constifuled of the one of each member by weight function, which is combined by the ratio of load vs. resistance and other modified coefficent. The aseismic benefit function of existing reinforced concrete frame structure is established based on the shear-resisting capacity of columns according to the previous earthquake damage. T he influence factors of carbonization of concrete and structural load are analyzed. A practical case of reinforced concrete structure is given herein, the aseismic reliability of the orig inal structure and those of the structure strengthened by three different methods are calculated respectively.
Key words:
- ex isting structure /
- reinforced concrete frame /
- aseismic reliability /
- weight function /
- carbonization
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