摘要: 钢筋混凝土结构在其服役期内,由于受到荷载、地震以及其他因素的作用,会发生损伤,从而威胁整个结构的安全。为了保证结构的安全,需要尽早发现结构的损伤,并且采取防范和修复措施。基于小波变换的多分辨率的特点,提出一种分层小波搜索的方法对结构损伤进行在线检测,确定损伤位置和损伤发生的时刻。通过对某一框架进行数值模拟试验验证可行的基础上,将此法应用于地震作用下钢筋混凝土框架的损伤识别,并与结构模型的模拟地震振动试验观测结果相对比,表明分析结果与试验观测较好吻合。Abstract: RC structures may damage during their lifetime with the effect of loads, earthquake action, and other factors. And the damage is harmful to the safety of the structure. To guarantee the safety of a structure, it is very important to detect and identify the structural damage at the earliest stage during its lifetime. Based on the characteristic of mult-i resolution of wavelet transforms, a damage identification method, namely delamination wavele-t transform search method, is proposed, which can be used to have an online detection of the occurrence and the location of damage inside RC structure. Numerical simulation for a RC frame verifies that the method is feasible theoretically. Then a model of three-story RC frame is made and tested on a shaking table and the damage of the model structure is identified using the proposed method. It is confirmed that the analytic results of wavelet transform method agree with the results observed in the test.
Key words:
- wavelet transform /
- multi-resolution /
- damage identification
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