摘要: 基于受压混凝土损伤本构关系,建立了任意截面损伤分析模型。应用正交设计方法对L形截面压弯构件进行5参数4水平L16(45)损伤裂化的参数分析,筛选影响L形截面损伤敏感因素。分析结果表明:肢厚比是影响截面抗弯能力最重要的敏感因素,其次是加载角、配筋率。由于L形截面的不对称性,加载角对截面的抗弯能力影响不容忽视。配筋率可以有效地缓解截面损伤裂化的程度,其次是混凝土强度,而加载角将加重混凝土损伤裂化。Abstract: A section damage model is given based on damage constitutive relation of compression concrete and damage parameters is studied for L-shaped cross-section under biaxial bending with orthographic design method in order to select sensitivity factors. The research result indicates that the flange-thick ratio is the most important factor for the cross-section bearing capacity, the next is steel ratio and loading angle, which is a very important factor due to its asymmetry. Study also found out that steel ratio can reduce section damage, next is concrete strength, last one is loading angle which can aggravate section damage.
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