摘要: 混凝土损伤模型的研究,实际上是研究混凝土材料的本构行为。在外界因素作用下,材料的累积变形引起结构内部损伤发展,最终将产生宏观裂缝直至破坏。根据Najar能量损伤理论,提出新的分段曲线混凝土受压损伤演变方程,并给出不同强度混凝土损伤演变方程。通过计算、对比、分析、认为:建议的损伤模型与已有的混凝土本构模型吻合较好。该方法的优点是参数少,不同强度的混凝土有确定的损伤演变方程,可以动态分析混凝土的累积损伤程度。对比理论计算与试验结果表明,二者吻合较好,可为混凝土结构损伤仿真分析提供另一个解决途径。Abstract: Research on concrete constitutive model actually studies constitutive relation of concrete. Cumulative deformation of material can cause interior damage of structure under exterior load and the entire structure may collapse due to damage of concrete. According to energy dissipation damage theory by Najar, a new model of segments curves damage of concrete compression is investigated and equations are put forward for damage variables and evolvement with various degrees of concrete. In order to testify the validity of the model, the calculated results are compared with those of the existing constitutive model, and the result shows that the proposed model is agreed with the existing model, which may provide a new method for simulation analysis of damages to concrete structures.
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