摘要: 树根桩+化学灌浆加固边坡是树根桩与化学灌浆两种边坡加固技术的有机结合.树根桩对边坡土体产生抗滑和锚固作用,而化学灌浆能有效地提高边坡土体的抗剪强度.传统极限平衡方法分析树根桩+化学灌浆加固边坡的稳定性,因存在诸多假设,评价结果准确性不高.根据树根桩+化学灌浆加固边坡的工作机理,在现场测试浆土复合体抗剪强度的基础上,采用有限元强度折减法对树根桩+化学灌 浆新技术加固边坡的效果进行模拟,结果表明:采用有限元强度折减法,能有效计算出树根桩+化学灌浆加固边坡的安全系数和极限状态滑动面,而且从计算出的安全系数和现场情况还表明,树根桩+化学灌浆技术可以运用于复杂边坡的加固和修复.Abstract: Root piles and chemical grouting are the combination of two reinforcing slope methods. Root piles offer anti_slide and anchor function for slope, and chemical grouting can improve soil shear strength efficiently. If the traditional limit balance is used to analyze the slope stabilized by root piles and chemical grouting, the evaluation result will not be accurate. According to the mechanism of root piles and chemical grouting to reinforce a slope, and the shear strength parameters of the composite of grouting and soil obtained by field test, a slope is simulated to analyze stability by strength reduction of FEM. The results show that strength reduction of FEM can not only reflect the mechanism of root piles and chemical grouting but also obtain safety factor and glide surface, hence adopting root piles and chemical grouting to reinforce and rehabilitate a slope is feasible.
Key words:
- root piles /
- chemical grouting /
- field shear test /
- safety factor /
- strength reduction of FEM
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