摘要: 介绍了国内外在锚栓抗震方面的研究成果,试验表明,锚栓在动力荷载作用下其抗拉、抗剪承载力有所提高。分析了混凝土开裂和配筋对锚栓抗震承载力的影响,基材混凝土开裂会造成锚栓承载力降低,在配箍筋较密的情况下锚栓的抗震性能会显著提高。最后对今后的研究方向提出建议。Abstract: Research achievements of seismic behavior of anchors at home and abroad are presented.Experimental results show that the tensile or shear capacity of anchors under dynamic loading increases as compared with static loading.The effect of cracked concrete and reinforcements on the earthquake-resistance capability of anchor is discussed,the seismic behavior of anchor in cracked concrete is reduced and close reinforcements significantly increase the seismic behavior of anchor.At last some advices are given for further research.
Key words:
- anchor /
- earthquake-resistance /
- bearing capacity cracked concrete /
- reinforcements /
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