摘要: 总结了黄淮地区深部黏土的物理力学性质,包括密度、含水量、颗粒大小、矿物成分、膨胀性、压缩性、抗剪强度等。研究表明,黄淮地区深部黏土主要为高液限饱和膨胀土,其物理力学性质指标随埋深或液性指数变化一般表现出总体上增大或减小,而局部呈无规则振荡变化的规律。对深部黏土重塑土的常规三轴试验表明,其内摩擦角较一般浅层黏土低,而且在高围压下强度包线出现向下的转折。Abstract: Engineering properties of deep clay in H uanghuai area,such as dens ity,water content,particle size, mineralogical compos ition,expansibility,compressibility and shear strength etc., are summarized. It shows that the deep clay in H uanghuai area is s aturated expans ive soil with high liquid limit. The index properties increas e or decrease regularly with the depth or the relative water content,ex cept that they usually os cillate locally. Triaxial compression test with the remolded deep clay shows that its fraction angle is lower than that of the common shallow clay, and the strength envelope deflects with high confining stress.
Key words:
- deep clay /
- expans ibility /
- relative water content /
- shear strength
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