摘要: 为克服传统上确定桩筏基础筏板厚度方法的弊端,提出了先按正常使用极限状态确定筏板厚度,再按承载能力极限状态加以验算的方法,分析了这两种极限状态中,影响筏板厚度的基本因素,结合板的理论、桩筏基础和上部结构的共同工作、承台冲切破坏的空间桁架理论以及工程实践经验,给出了预估筏板厚度和冲切外力及冲切抗力的简明计算式,并附以算例以及其他确定筏板厚度的方法加以讨论,最后给出了合理确定筏板厚度的完整步骤。Abstract: In order to overcome the shortcomings of determining the raft thickness of a pile-raft foundation traditionally,a complete method of determining the thickness of a raft can be obtained by the following steps:It is proposed that a method in which the thickness of a raft can be determined first in accordance with the limit state of normal service and is then checked according to the limit state of bearing capacity,and the basic factors influencing the raft thickness in the two limit states are analyzed,the simplified formulas of estimating the raft thickness,external force and resistance of two-way shearing are given by combining the plate theory,coworking of the pile-raft foundation and superstructure,strut-and-tie theory of pile cap punching as well as project experience,the calculative examples and other methods to determine raft thickness are also discussed.
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