摘要: 针对高性能混凝土的防火与抗爆裂性能低的特点,采用低熔点(聚丙烯纤维)及高熔点纤维(钢纤维)复合的方法,对高性能混凝土高温性能(抗折强度、抗压强度及劈裂抗拉强度、抗爆裂性能)进行改善。研究表明,800℃时,复合纤维混凝土的抗折强度剩余率约15%,明显高于基准混凝土的抗折强度剩余率(约6%);抗压强度剩余率约15%,与基准混凝土的强度剩余率相当(约15%);劈裂抗拉强度剩余率约20%,明显高于基准混凝土的抗折强度剩余率(约10%)。另外,复合纤维对改善混凝土的抗爆裂性能特别有效,同时分析了复合纤维改善高性能混凝土高温性能的作用机理。Abstract: The effects of hybrid fiber on hi gh performance concrete properties under high temperature were studied.The exper iment applies hybrid fiber with low(polypropylene fiber)and high melting point(s teel fiber)to improve mechanical properties and bursting resistance of high perf ormance concrete,since high performance concrete easily spalls and destroys afte r being on fire.The results show that flexural strength residual rate of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete(about 15%)is higher than that of normal concrete(about 6%);compressive strength residual rate of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete(abou t 15%)is approximate to that of normal concrete(about 15%);splitting tensile str ength residual rate of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete(about 20%) is higher tha n that of normal concrete(about 10%).Hybrid fiber has significant improvement on spalling resistance of concrete,and the active mechanism of hybrid fiber improv ement on high performance concrete is also analyzed.
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