摘要: 研究了楔形变截面压杆平面内弹塑性弯曲失稳。提出了以大头截面为计算截面的压杆稳定性计算公式,给出了配套的变截面压杆计算长度系数公式和表格。对变截面压杆与等效的等截面压杆的弹塑性工作性能进行了比较,发现后者总是在悬臂柱的固定端截面开始出现塑性,而变截面压杆的塑性区在离固定端一定高度的地方先出现,这一差别导致弹塑性失稳的变截面压杆比等效的等截面压杆的承载力要高。Abstract: In-plane elastoplastic instability of tapered members under axial loads is studied and a new design method is suggested in which the tapered member is equivalent to a prismatic member with the cross-section at the larger end of the tapered member as compared to the current design code CECS102: 2002 where the smaller end cross section is used. A table for determining the equivalent effective length of tapered member is also given. In addition, the elastoplastic working behaviors are compared between the tapered members and the elastic equivalent prismatic ones, and it is found that the tapered members have a higher ultimate load carrying capacity than that of the elastic equivalent prismatic one.
Key words:
- stability /
- tapered member /
- ultimate carrying capacity /
- effective length
李开禧,等.钢压杆的柱子曲线.重庆建筑工程学院学报,1995(1):24~33 [2] 饶芝英,童根树变截面门式刚架的平面内弹性稳定计算.建筑结构,2000(4):8~11 -

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