摘要: 采用6种异形钢纤维在体积掺量分别为0.5%、1.0%的情况下,配制CF30、CF50异形钢纤维混凝土,试验结果表明,异形钢纤维混凝土抗折、抗剪和劈拉强度以及弯曲韧性,较基准混凝土有明显提高;干缩值降低,早期塑性开裂也明显减少;不同特征的异形钢纤维改性效果也存在差异。研究发现,《钢纤维混凝土试验方法》(CECS 13∶89)计算纤维混凝土承载能力变化系数的方法有偏差。Abstract: Six sorts of deformed steel fibers ( DSF) dosaging 01 5% or 11 0% by bulk are used to prepare CF30 and CF50 deformed steel fiber ( DSF ) reinforced concretes. The experiment results indicate that not only the flexural strength , shearing strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural properties of deformed steel fiber reinforced concrete ( DSFRC) are significantly improved as compared with normal concrete, but also the drying shrinkage value and early plastic cracking are obviously decreased, and the modification effect of DSFs with different characteristics are different1 The results also indicate that the method of calculating fiber concretec s capability coefficients in / Test Method of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete0 ( CECS 13B 89) has deviation1
Key words:
- concrete property /
- deformed steel fiber /
- modification
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